Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Ready Pupil

It is often been said that to be an endurance athlete, is to be a student of pain. One must accept pain in order to receive its knowledge. It seems that to often in todays world we believe that we can better ourselves without sacrifice, this is almost never the case. Despite the image often portrayed to us, comfort and success are not synonymous. In fact it is quite often the opposite. Those who succeed are the ones who are willing to suffer a little more, for a little longer.

For most of my life, I have been(like most people) a reluctant student of pain: I only did what was absolutely necessary. It was not until the past two years that I began to realize, in order to get what I desired I needed to allow myself to suffer. So now, I am in the middle of a long journey, one that if I hold fast to the lessons pain has taught and will teach me, will hopefully lead me to The Kona Ironman. But before that, hills will test my legs, rough water my courage, and pain, pain will test my commitment. So hear I stand a ready pupil.